The Doula Collective

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About the creator

Divya has worked with expectant families since 2001 as a Childbirth educator, HypnoBirthing practitioner and Doula. She is a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and Somatic Experience Practitioner and is currently teaches and mentors doulas in India. She is also a mentor with Association of Pre and Perinatal Psychology and Health USA


Digital Products

digital-product | Understanding & Healing the Mother Wound


Understanding & Healing the Mother Wound


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Courses & packages

course | Doula Training Seminar 1

Doula Training Seminar 1

31 modules



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package | Seminar 2 2024

2 Courses

Seminar 2 2024

2 Courses


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course | Seminar 2 2024 Live Class Recording

Seminar 2 2024 Live Class Recording

1 modules


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